Udemy 23
- Angular Section 15,16 Forms
- Angular Section 11..14 Routing, Observables
- Angular Section 9,10 Services and Dependency Injection
- Angular Section 5,6,7,8. Components, Databinding, Advanced Directives
- Angular Section 3. Course Project
- Angular Section 1,2. The Basics
- Bootify for SpringBoot apps
- Udemy Spring boot course: Section 9 JPA / Hibernate advanced mappings
- Udemy Spring boot course: Section 8 Spring MVC Security
- Udemy Spring boot course: Section 7 Spring MVC CRUD
- Udemy Spring boot course: Section 6 Spring MVC
- Udemy Spring boot course: Section 5 REST Api Security
- Udemy Spring boot course: Section 4 REST Crud Api
- Udemy Spring boot course: Section 3 Hibernate/JPA
- Section 15. (Java Collection Framework) Udemy - Java Programming Masterclass
- Udemy Spring boot course: Section 2 Spring Core
- Section 14. (Lambda expressions, functional interfaces, method references) Udemy - Java Programming Masterclass
- Udemy Spring boot course: Section 1 QuickStart
- Section 13. (Nested Classes and types) Udemy - Java Programming Masterclass
- Section 10. (List, ArrayList, LinkedList, Iterator, Autoboxing) Udemy - Java Programming Masterclass
- Section 12. (Generics) Udemy - Java Programming Masterclass
- Section 11 (Abstraction) in Java. Udemy - Java Programming Masterclass
- Java Programming Masterclass Udemy