
I graduated from the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) in 2022. With a bachelors in computer science and a concentration in software engineering


During my time at UTSA I participated in many extracurricular groups including ACM (association of computing and machinery)

I am passionate about all things technology but primarily focus on backend development and systems programming.


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IT Help Desk Technician( 2020 - 2022 )

During college I worked as a part time IT help desk technician. I started the remote position at the start of 2020 and am currently employed with them. As a help desk technician I was tasked with solving technical questions that included solutions such as troubleshooting with SQL queries, finding the error in event viewer and taking the necessary steps to solve the issue.

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Associate consultant in software engineering ( 2022 - present )

Proficient in PowerShell, I developed internal tools to streamline software deployment and upgrades by communicating with Microsoft SQL Server. Additionally, I have extensive experience developing Java Spring Boot applications and working with cloud technologies such as AWS and Azure to ensure effective software deployment and management. My diverse skill set and experience make me a valuable asset for any organization seeking to optimize its software development and deployment processes.


Yelp Camp

In this Udemy course I learned HTML,CSS,Javascript and many libraries in order to build a fully website as well as a CRUD API for a yelp like campground site. I used ExpressJs for the backend routing and logic while using ejs for the templating engine to serve the front end.

Inventory Management System

This was a project I had made for my advanced software engineering class. The site is hosted on the ec2 service on Amazon Web Services. I used php for both the front and back end. The site is fully functional CRUD API and also implements a web interface.

Inventory Management System API endpoint

Github Repo

This is the swagger or open api docs for the inventory management system RESTful api. This swagger site show all the different routes and will also allow you to perform full crud on the different functionalities on each route. This api was built using laravel 8.

Spring boot project

This was a project I completed for CS 4743 Enterprise Software Engineering class. This project was a management system for people. It was built using spring boot and tested the routes using wiremock.


Programming languages

  • Java ( Spring, Springboot )
  • C, C++ ( MPI, OpenMP )
  • PHP ( Laravel )
  • Powershell, Bash
  • Javascript ( Node, ExpressJS )
  • Python ( Django, Data science libraries, Selenium )

Cloud technologies

  • AWS
  • Azure


  • SQL: ( Microsoft SQL, MySQL, Postgres )
  • NOSQL: ( Mongo )


When I'm not writing code I enjoy going to the gym, playing pool and doing puzzles.


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